Are Blogs Just?

Joi Ito and Marko Ahtisaari in a conversation about whether blogs are just, given the inequality in traffic and link stats that Clay Shirky pointed out. The premise is wrong. The charge of injustice only applies if blog traffic is like money or power; more is better; the greater can oppress the lesser.
Adam Rice has it right here: “Power laws? I don’t have a problem with them. I write my blog for my own satisfaction and to let my friends know what I’m doing and what I’m thinking about. And to remind me in the future of what I was doing/thinking. While it’s nice knowing that other people are reading it (which, I think, a few other people do), that’s not why I do it.”

5 thoughts on “Are Blogs Just?”

  1. Traffic and attention are a lot like money and power. It’s just that money and power don’t necessarily make you happy. No? Hmm… Maybe I should blog this. 😉

  2. Perhaps this is an introvert/extravert distinction.
    I don’t care much if I am very popular; I care more if there is some small number of people with whom I share interests and experiences. A few kindred spirits are more comforting than a cheering throng.

  3. Traffic, obsession and happiness

    I disagree somewhat with Adina. I think that traffic is similar to attention. Attention is not the same as power…

  4. Traffic, obsession and happiness

    I disagree somewhat with Adina. I think that traffic is similar to attention. Attention is not the same as power…

  5. Traffic, obsession and happiness

    I disagree somewhat with Adina. I think that traffic is similar to attention. Attention is not the same as power…

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