East Austin Studio Tour

Some belated notes about the East Austin art tour last weekend, which was much fun despite the pouring rain.
The most entertaining spots were Blue Genie and a pair of graceful glassblowers who worked together like musicians. The art I liked best was by a sculptor who makes human/animal/robot scultures out of old metal tools; his work was playful and serious and a little disturbing.
No pictures. Hereby a resolve to get a digital camera, as a reward for getting some useful but boring things done by next weekend.
Missed the Travis Heights walk. I hope they do it again soon.

3 thoughts on “East Austin Studio Tour”

  1. Barry George was my favorite too. Possibly the best part is that amongst his tremendous scultpures, he was having a garage sale and when I picked up a shower curtain, he got very excited about telling me that it was a New York subway map, and that every time I took a shower I could feel classy.
    But I was broke, so I didn’t buy his 3000 dollar sculptures or his 10 dollar classy shower curtain. My favorite sculpture was the one that looked like a bird bath that was something about the promise of global capitalism, but the talking head one would have been my favorite if not for the actual human teeth.

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