In a recent Discover article, Steven Johnson writes about the work of Valdis Krebs, and Judith Donath, researchers and consultants who use social network analysis to map the groups that really get stuff done:
In his classic novel Cat’s Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut explains how the world is divided into two types of social organizations: the karass and the granfalloon. A karass is a spontaneously forming group, joined by unpredictable links, that actually gets stuff done
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BookBlog: Groups that get things done In a recent Discover article, Steven Johnson writes about the work of Valdis Krebs, and Judith Donath, researchers and consultants who use social network analysis to map the groups that really get stuff done….
Groups that get things done
In a recent Discover article, Steven Johnson writes about the work of Valdis Krebs, and Judith Donath, researchers and consultants