Yoga videos

Just had a really nice time with this Ali McGraw yoga video, with Erich Schiffman as the teacher. I use props for some of the standing poses, and am a lot less flexible than the beautiful people getting sand in their toes and their tights in the White Sands Desert. I was able to concentrate, rather than to wish each pose would finish as soon as possible. Four years ago this tape seemed completely impossible. I’ve also been enjoying Rodney Yee’s power yoga for strength, which is labeled for beginners but isn’t, as the Amazon comments tend to say. As strength training, much prefer this to lifting weights. Lifting weights is dull, and yoga is not dull because of the concentration.
I can’t help but think sarcastic thoughts when the teachers get schmaltzy. When the Yoga teacher to the Hollywood stars says, “surrender completely, love is what you have when there is nothing left” — I mentally translate “give me all of your money, and savor the feeling of inner peace.” If anybody knows that Erich Schiffman is really not, on some level, a phony, please let me know and I’ll stop making fun of him.
Combine Eastern spirituality with Eastern European Jewish guilt and Misnagnish disdain for spiritual exhibitionism, and I feel kind of awkward and guilty writing about yoga practice. The Austin weather forecast calls for thunderstorms; if the house is hit by lightning I’ll know what happened.

5 thoughts on “Yoga videos”

  1. Ah, I read your comment about erich Schiffman. I’ve taken classes at Sacred Movement with him and you won’t find a more honest human out there.
    You might want to go here: and check out the message board where erich posts on a regular basis. Lots of the folks there know him from yoga teacher trainings and workshops; you’ll see a very dedicated following. And it’s all because he’s such a genuine person.
    Namaste and good luck on your journey.

  2. yup, Erich is the real deal, and dedicated to students in all shapes and colors and walks of life…definitely not a guru to the stars.

  3. Of course “Eric” is a phony. 99% of the so-called “yoga teachers” are! Since Hatha Yoga (and all forms of Yoga)are all about the Hindu religion, the teacher must be a Hindu. It is a case of the blind leading the blind.

  4. Of course “Eric” is a phony. 99% of the so-called “yoga teachers” are! Since Hatha Yoga (and all forms of Yoga)are all about the Hindu religion, the teacher must be a Hindu. It is a case of the blind leading the blind.

  5. Of course “Eric” is a phony. 99% of the so-called “yoga teachers” are! Since Hatha Yoga (and all forms of Yoga)are all about the Hindu religion, the teacher must be a Hindu. It is a case of the blind leading the blind.

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