And the other services that require human intervention before an email address is whitelisted.
Don’t folks realize that they have anti-network effects? They’ll work for the first few people who use them. But what happens when a mailblock bounce comes back to another mailblock service?
People will have to wait for the singularity to get their email.
I agree that Mailblocks is not the total solution, but I am very happy Mailblocks user and I wish I didn’t have to use Mailblocks, but I was so indundated with spam that I didn’t really have a choice.
I constantly fight with IPS’s who block Mailblocks validation email message as spam and so people that should respond don’t even see it. I’m always watching my Pending folder to see if there are any real messages in there. Kinda defeats the whole challange-response idea as I’m bypassing it to validate stuff by hand. I’m guess I am still waiting for that killer app that’s going to help me fight Spam. Mailblocks is probably the best thing I’ve seen so far.
I agree that Mailblocks is not the total solution, but I am very happy Mailblocks user and I wish I didn’t have to use Mailblocks, but I was so indundated with spam that I didn’t really have a choice.
I constantly fight with IPS’s who block Mailblocks validation email message as spam and so people that should respond don’t even see it. I’m always watching my Pending folder to see if there are any real messages in there. Kinda defeats the whole challange-response idea as I’m bypassing it to validate stuff by hand. I’m guess I am still waiting for that killer app that’s going to help me fight Spam. Mailblocks is probably the best thing I’ve seen so far.